Medical Laboratory Technology
This two-year program prepares individuals to work in a clinical laboratory. Medical Lab Technologists (MLT) perform a wide range of routine lab procedures associated with blood and body-fluid analysis. An MLT is responsible for performing lab tests efficiently and accurately for high quality patient care.
As members of the health care delivery team, clinical laboratory personnel are responsible for assuring reliable and accurate laboratory test results that contribute to the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of physiological and pathological conditions. This program is designed to meet the standards and requirements for careers in clinical laboratory science.
At career entry, the medical laboratory technician/clinical laboratory technician will be able to perform routine clinical laboratory tests (such as hematology, clinical chemistry, immunohematology, microbiology, serology/immunology, coagulation, and urinalysis) as the primary analyst making specimen-oriented decisions on pre-determined criteria. Upon successful completion of the technical program, the student will be eligible to take a national certification examination.
MS In Demand Career
If you're looking for a rewarding healthcare career without a lot of direct patient contact, becoming a Medical Laboratory Technologist may be a great option for you!To meet graduation requirements for this program, students must successfully complete the specified courses listed below with a “C” average (GPA of 2.00) or better. A grade of “C” or higher is required in each MLT course to progress in the program.
Minimum admission requirements (in addition to general admission requirements) must include one of the following:
Attain an 18 composite score on the ACT;
Score a 251 or higher on the ACCUPLACER NG Reading Section and a 251 or higher on the ACCUPLACER NG Arithmetic Section (or 231 on the ACCUPLACER NG Algebra QAS Section)
Complete 15 semester hours with a “C” average or above at an accredited college or university and meet requirements for Intermediate Algebra (MAT 1233). Developmental coursework does not satisfy this requirement; and
Have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.00 (“C” average) on all previous college coursework; and
Attend an MLT Information Session. Students will receive notice from the Registrar’s Office about scheduling their Information Session.
The MLT Admissions Committee will select each year’s class from the pool of applicants who meet minimum admission requirements. Any application with incomplete records will not be considered for admission. The admission process is competitive, and completion of minimum requirements is not a guarantee of admission. Priority consideration for admission will be given as follows:
In-district students who complete program prerequisites and/or general education coursework at MCC;
Out-of-district students who complete program prerequisites and/or general education coursework at MCC;
Mississippi residents who complete program prerequisites and/or general education coursework elsewhere;
Out-of-state students check with the Health Education Advisor for selection details and deadlines.
After program admission and prior to classes beginning, students must provide proof of immunization for MMR. A Drug Screening Test will be scheduled after classes begin. A negative Mantoux Two-Step TB Skin Test is required before students can enter the clinical practicum the second January in the program.
All students admitted into the program will be required to pay for fingerprinting and background checks, which will be performed after admission and prior to clinical practicum. These fees will be attached as registration fees. There are certain convictions that will prevent an individual from being eligible to participate in clinical practicum. If a student is unable to participate in clinical practicum, he/she will be dismissed from the program. For additional information, please contact the health education counselor or your advisor.
Students in the Medical Laboratory Technology Program must attend MCC full-time (15 or more semester credit hours).
Course Number | Course Description | Hours |
MLT 1111 | Fundamentals of MLT/Phlebotomy | 1 |
ENG 1113 | English Composition I | 3 |
CHE 1213/1211 | General Chemistry I w/Lab or |
4 |
PHY 2254 | Physical Science II w/Lab |
4 |
BIO 2513/2511 | Anatomy & Physiology I w/Lab or |
4 |
BIO 1133/1131 | General Biology I/Lab or |
4 |
BIO 2924 | Microbiology w/Lab | 4 |
MLT 1213 | Urinalysis/Body Fluids | 3 |
MAT 1233 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3 |
MAT 1313 |
College Algebra |
3 |
Semester Hours | 18 |
Course Number | Course Description | Hours |
SPT 1113 | Public Speaking | 3 |
MLT 1413 | Immunology/Serology | 3 |
MLT 1313 | Hematology I | 3 |
MLT 2523 | Pathogenic Microbiology I | 3 |
Behavioral Science Elective | 3 | |
Semester Hours | 15 |
Course Number | Course Description | Hours |
MLT 1532 | MLT Chem I | 2 |
- | Humanities/Fine Arts Elective | 3 |
Semester Hours | 5 |
Course Number | Course Description | Hours |
MLT 1324 | Hematology II | 4 |
MLT 1543 | MLT Chemistry II | 3 |
MLT 2424 | Immunohematology | 4 |
MLT 2614 | Pathogenic Microbiology II | 4 |
Semester Hours | 15 |
Course Number | Course Description | Hours |
MLT 2943 | Clinical Practicum I | 3 |
MLT 2953 | Clinical Practicum II | 3 |
MLT 2963 | Clinical Practicum III | 3 |
MLT 2973 | Clinical Practicum IV | 3 |
MLT 2722 | Certification Fundamentals of MLT | 2 |
MLT 2711 | Seminar | 1 |
Semester Hours | 15 | |
Total Semester Hours | 68 |
*If taken prior to August 2022 CHE 1114 chemistry survey/lab may be supplemented for either CHE 1214 General Chemistry I/lab or PHY 2254 Physical Science II/lab. PHY 2244 Physical Science I/lab is not required in order to take PHY 2254 Physical Science II/lab.
Mississippi Law requires healthcare professionals or Career Technical Education students enrolled in programs whose primary purpose is to prepare professionals to render patient care services, submit to criminal background checks, and fingerprinting prior to beginning any clinical rotation in a licensed healthcare entity. If such fingerprinting or criminal background checks of the student discloses a felony conviction, guilty plea or plea of no contendere to a felony of possession or sale of drugs, murder, manslaughter, armed robbery, rape, sexual battery, sex offense listed in Section 45-33-23 (g), child abuse, arson, grand larceny, burglary, gratification of lust, aggravated assault or felonious abuse and/or battery of a vulnerable adult which has not been reversed on appeal or for which a pardon has not been granted, the student shall not be eligible to be admitted to such health program of study or will not be eligible to participate in clinical training in a licensed entity.
In addition to the disqualifying events listed in Section 37-29-232 of the Mississippi Code of 1972 annotated, clinical affiliates may, at their discretion, refuse to provide clinical experiences to any student whom the clinical affiliate feels are not suitable for employment or for the clinical experience setting.
Any drug conviction; bodily harm, neglect or abuse, or felony DUI conviction within a year of starting date of class is cause for denial of the clinical experience setting. Any convictions more than a year beyond the starting date of class will be examined by the “Review Standards Committee” with a decision rendered if the student is allowed to participate in the clinical experience setting. Any charges pending a resolution will require documentation of disposition from the student.
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Board Certification (BOC) pass rates for graduates |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Job Placement rates for graduates |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Program Graduation rates |
100% |
100% |
83% |
30% |
MCC’s Medical Laboratory Technology program is a program that meets the education requirements for a medical lab technician and qualifies graduates to take a national certification examination.
Determinations about whether the Medical Laboratory Technology program at MCC meets the state education requirements for US States, Territories, and the District of Columbia can be found here.
For more information:
Sheila Johnson, Coordinator
For more information:
Jimmyia Smith, Advisor